CPR Section House

CPR Section House

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Design Summit: CP Rail yards- Winnipeg

The Winnipeg Free Press , is offering an opportunity for the people of the city to have their say in how they would like the CP Rail yards to develop into the future.

Mike Deal/Winnipeg Free Press 


July 31

at 7:00 pm

at the Winnipeg Free Press News Cafe

How would you transform the CP Rail yards? 
Boris Minkevich/ Winnipeg Free Press

An enticing question for anyone familiar with the capital of Manitoba . 

An aching question for those watching the demise of the railroad age.

An exciting question for those with vision for the future of the largest piece of land situated in the heart of the city.

What kind of question is it for you?

The Free Press offers this site with all the resources and points of view to help plan  ahead...prior to the Summit.

I know railways buffs and fans out there will be interested in following this one. 

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